Sunday Services: 8:00 am, 9:30am and 11:00am, in-person and live stream

Christmas Give 2024

Something that has become a tradition here at North Rock Hill is Christmas Give.  Christmas Give is a year-end opportunity for us to give generously above and beyond our normal offerings in a way that will be catalytic


Last year, your generous giving to Christmas Give 2023 exceeded our $45,000 goal.  Here are a few ways your giving made an impact over the past year:

$15,000 to Lottie Moon Mission Offering

Every dollar of this annual offering goes directly to the mission field in support of over 3500 missionaries serving with the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention. 


$15,000 to SEND Boston

• Helped to fund the start-up of the Greater Boston Theology Center, a seminary extension and leadership development training center where current and future SEND Boston church planters are trained and equipped.

• Sponsored a retreat for the 60+ SEND Boston church planters and their families.

• Helped with the purchase of a refrigerated van for the The Church at the Well for the coffee shop outreach.


$15,000+ to Meet Local Needs

• Helped to fund Capernaum, a YoungLife ministry to teens and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

• Funded special projects at Pilgrims Inn, Baptist Campus Ministries, Rock Hill Dream Center Church, Hand Up Ministries, SIM International, and RUF

• Helped two of our college students with their internships with partner ministries

• Provided emergency housing, transportation, and food for the vulnerable of our community

• Provided Christian counseling for many in our church family

This year our Christmas Give 2024 Goal is

to raise$40,000 to fund these projects 

$10K for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
$15K for RHDCC
$7,500 for Counseling and Benevolence Funds
$7,500 for Local Ministry Partners
Tangible Gifts for PWC

Will you pray for God to lead you and your family in what you would give above and beyond your normal offerings? If you would like to participate, you can do so until December 31 via online giving or during our regular Sunday morning offering. Either way, be sure to mark your gift "Christmas Give.

**All proceeds above and beyond the $40,000 goal will be applied to the NRHC ministry budget, helping us to start strong in 2025.