women's roundtable

this semester is currently closed

check back in May as we launch our summer series

A Women's Calling

created to be an essential counterpart 

This study gives a robust picture of what it means to be a woman, created in the image of God, with a unique contribution to make. We are created to glorify God, and our calling is to use our strength for the building of His Kingdom and the benefit of others. The ways in which we do that will be influenced by our individuality and season of life. Our ability to live out this calling is directly tied to our relationship with God and what He has done for us.

The group will begin Wednesday, February 5 at 9:00 am in Rock Hill, near Ebinport Elementary.  A few childcare spaces are available on site. Email info@northrockhill.com to inquire.

A Women's Words

getting to the heart of our speech

We all know the power of words. Words can hurt; words can heal. And they are sticky - lingering long after they were spoken. In this 7-week study we will seek to understand why we struggle to speak words of life insted of death and how to overcome the common idols that are often found at the root of our corrupted speech.

Groups begin meeting Monday, February 3. One group will meet at 6:30 pm at the church and another will meet at 7:00 pm in Fort Mill. Sign up below.

A Women's Identity

reclaiming the truth of who we are in Christ

Who am I? It's a question we all ask ourselves at some point. We may focus our identity on our job performance, marital status, personality type, or social network, among other options. However, there's a larger question to consider...Who does the Bible tell me I am in Christ? In this 6-week course we'll seek to expose our false notions of identity, understand the biblical truth of our identity in Christ, and consider what it looks life to live in our new, true identity.

This group will begin Monday, February 3 at 6:30 pm at the church. Space is limited.