adult discipleship

We take seriously Christ Jesus' call to make disciples. We have a variety of environments outside our Sunday morning gathering where we can move toward Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and be on mission with Jesus together.


What is a D-Group?

A D-Group is a gathering of six to twelve people that meet on a regular basis to pursue biblical community with one another.  Each D-Group looks a little different. Some groups are for couples while others are for singles.  Many of our groups are multi-generational with singles and couples together.  Some groups are specifically based upon gender.  All of our groups meet in homes throughout the area on different days and at different times.  

Why should I join?

Becoming like Christ is not an overnight process. It is a long journey filled with joys and challenges.  God’s plan is not for us to do it alone.  One of the greatest gifts that God gives us is each other. Here at North Rock Hill, D-Groups give us the opportunity to gather together and encourage one another. They are simply a gathering of imperfect people pointing each other to Jesus.

How can I join?

Your first step is to attend CONNECT which is held one Sunday every month during the 11:00 am service.  Space is limited, please register HERE.  

If you have already attended CONNECT,  please fill out the interest form below, and someone will be in contact with you.

Women at NRHC

Our women are cherished as essential counterparts that bring strength, life, and support in and through their relationships
Our women meet for short-term studies (6-8 weeks) that we call Women's Round Table  during the spring, summer and fall semesters.  Other periodic events and gatherings are held throughout the year.

Men at NRHC

Men are called  to lead with integrity and care for the people God has entrusted to them.  Men's Round Table  seek to equip men to do just that. We offer short-term studies (7-9 weeks) during the spring and fall semesters.